
Syllabus and Resource Pack download


Resource Pack

Your comprehensive Resource Pack (Sampler Edition). This clickable PDF ​contains all ​of your bonus materials, links, workbooks and other resources that are mentioned throughout the course. Also find the full ​Body Transformation Blueprint digital course syllabus.

Full Text Transcript

​Download this ​ZIP file containing full text transcripts of each and every lesson in the Body Transformation Blueprint digital course. ​Students can perform a full text search across the entire course, looking for any word or phrase of interest. You are then able to easily see which of the modules and lessons it was spoken in. FOR ENROLLED STUDENTS ONLY, sorry.

Guide 1: Can't Lose Weight Even Though You Aren't Over-Eating?

Do you ever wonder why you can’t lose weight even though you don’t over-eat? You may even notice that you eat even less than some of the people around you, yet they apparently have no trouble remaining slim while you always seem to struggle. There are five common causes for this. Well… there are four common causes and one highly unlikely one. In this guide I run through each of those five causes, with some simple and actionable strategies to knock each one of them to the curb.

Guide 2: ​Do You Struggle To Lose Weight Because You're Hungry All The Time?

For many people, hunger is the biggest problem and obstacle to losing weight. Being hungry is no fun, obviously, and we’re naturally inclined to avoid it. If hunger is a problem for you, I have great news. You don’t need to be hungry to lose weight. Ever! In this bonus guide I give you eight secrets to beating hunger, along with simple and actionable strategies to help you win those hunger games every time.

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